Rare Voices Australia (RVA) is pleased to continue our work in 2023 with Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia to offer a small number of RVA Partner organisation representatives the opportunity to participate in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA training. RVA is also offering Youth MHFA training opportunities in 2023. This work is a continuation of the mental health and wellbeing project that RVA commenced in 2022 (read more here), based on recommendations in the National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan). This initiative is funded through the Rare Disease Awareness, Education, Support and Training (RAREST) Project.
What is involved and what commitment am I making?
Online Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA programs consist of 14 hours of learning. Search the Mental Health First Aid Course Calendar to see the dates and times available.
It is expected that those volunteering to complete the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA training are willing and have the capacity to provide MHFA support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living with a rare disease in their community on an ongoing basis. The training is provided using Australian contexts and resources, and the course supports adults (those aged 18+).
Note: this opportunity is available to RVA Partner organisation representatives only.
About Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA
This course is for any adult (aged 18+) who is interested in learning how to assist an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander adult who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Read the course flyer.
This course is based on evidence from the expert consensus of Aboriginal mental health professionals, many of whom also have lived experience of mental health problems. Watch the video to learn what to expect from the course.
Maximising your participation in this course
To maximise your participation in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA training, RVA asks that:
- You have access to and can use a computer with an internet connection to participate in the course via videoconference
- You are currently a rare disease group leader or are in a position of leadership within an RVA Partner organisation
- You did not complete an online blended community MHFA course funded by RVA in 2022
What is the cost?
RVA has funding to cover a limited number of participants to complete the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA course.
If you are interested in participating, please email Louise Healy, RVA’s Education and Advocacy Manager: [email protected]