Launched: Department of Health and Aged Care’s Australian Health and Medical Research Workforce Survey


In May 2024, the Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, announced the Australian Government’s commitment to developing a National Health and Medical Research Strategy (the Strategy). Read the media release. The aim of the Strategy is to help target funding and strengthen Australia’s world-leading health and medical research capabilities into the future to further improve the health and lives of Australians.

Recently, the Department of Health and Aged Care launched an Australian Health and Medical Research Workforce Survey (the Survey), which is part of extensive consultations that will contribute supporting evidence to the development of the Strategy and future policies.  The aim of the Survey is to understand the demographic features, work environment, challenges, and motivations of health and medical researchers across Australia, including those in research support roles.

One of the three foundation principles in the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan) highlights the need for sustainable systems and workforce, which will also assist with implementation across all three key Action Plan Pillars (Awareness and Education; Care and Support; and Research and Data). More specifically, the following Priorities in the Action Plan emphasise the importance of embedding research into clinical care for people living with a rare disease.

Priority 1.3: ‘Develop a national rare disease workforce strategy that responds to current and future demands, including the impact of genomics’

Priority 3.4: ‘Translate research and innovation into clinical care; clinical care informs research and innovation’

Why is this important for Australians living with a rare disease?

The importance of the health and medical research workforce for people living with a rare disease and their families cannot be overstated. This workforce is vital to advancing understanding of the mechanisms of rare diseases, identifying and implementing new and novel health technologies, and developing best practice care and support.

Driven by the inherent lack of knowledge, treatments, and evidence-based care and support in rare disease, the overwhelming majority of rare disease stakeholders, including people living with a rare disease and rare disease representatives, have experience advocating for, and participating in, research.

Rare Voices Australia encourages individual rare disease stakeholders who have had either direct or supportive roles in research, including those in the not-for-profit space, to take part in this Survey. The Survey is open until 9 August 2024 and should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Participate in the Survey

Access the Survey.

June 2024 Disability Advocacy Update

RVA News

June has been a busy month for Rare Voices Australia (RVA) in the disability space with engagement with government on several of the key disability reform initiatives currently underway. As noted in RVA’s March Disability Advocacy Update, a comprehensive disability reform agenda is underway across Commonwealth and State Governments.

RVA is particularly pleased that we have been invited to present at some key forums on behalf of Australians living with a rare disease. Thanks to Louise Healy, RVA’s Education and Advocacy Manager, and Fiona Lawton, RVA’s Disability Advocacy Manager, for representing RVA and the estimated two million Australians living with a rare disease.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Taskforce – Provider and Worker Registration

On 7 May, RVA lodged a submission with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce (Taskforce). This submission was directly informed by 15 RVA Partner groups/organisations that participated in our virtual roundtable engagement session in April 2024. Read the submission.

On 20 June, RVA was invited to a private session with Taskforce member, the Hon Vicki O’Halloran AO CVO, former Administrator of the Northern Territory and former President of National Disability Services Australia. This was an excellent opportunity to further explore RVA’s position regarding mandatory registration and the need to build workforce capability to meet the needs of people living with a rare disease and disability impacts.

Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme – Participant Experience in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia

On 28 June, RVA was invited to a public hearing to present to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS (the Committee) regarding their Inquiry into the participant experience of people living in rural, regional and remote areas. This invitation was based on the strength of RVA’s submission to the Committee in February 2024. We thank the RVA Partner groups/organisations that contributed examples of their lived experience for the submission. Read the submission.

Louise and Fiona braved the Canberra winter to attend in person and represent the rare disease sector, highlighting:

  • The need for person-centred, place-based delivery of disability services
  • Opportunities of alternative commissioning
  • The need for a re-design of the service delivery model and increased workforce capacity and capability to meet the needs of Australians living with rare disease

RVA is committed to ensuring the conversation moves from equity of access to disability services, to one that considers equity of outcomes in terms of quality of life for Australians living with a rare disease and their families/carers.

RVA is grateful for these opportunities and continues to actively seek representation on key co-design panels and forums.

Draft Legislation – National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment Bill 2024

On 27 March 2024, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the NDIS, tabled draft legislation, the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 (the Bill) to amend the NDIS Act 2013 to ensure sustainability and to reflect some recommendations from the NDIS Independent Review. The Bill was referred to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry. On 17 May, RVA provided a submission to the Committee and noted that some of our proposed amendments were made to the draft Bill. However, RVA remains concerned that key elements of the Bill need further amendment to ensure it is fit-for-purpose for all current and future NDIS participants, particularly people living with complex rare disease and disability impacts.

The Committee have tabled their report this month with recommendations to pass the (slightly) amended draft Bill. The Bill was passed by the House of Representatives on 5 June after a range of new parliamentary amendments were proposed by the government and is currently before the Senate.

Fiona continues to closely monitor the passage of this legislation and RVA will provide additional submissions to inquiries as required.

Update: Review of the National Health and Medical Research Council Statement on Consumer and Community Involvement in Health and Medical Research


The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is currently reviewing the Statement on Consumer and Community Involvement in Health and Medical Research 2016 (Consumer Statement). The aim of the Consumer Statement is to guide research institutions, researchers, consumers and community members regarding the active involvement of consumers and community members in all aspects of health and medical research. The Consumer Statement outlines the benefits and levels of consumer and community involvement in research. Consumers and community representatives, researchers and research administrators, peak bodies, advocates, funders and government have been invited to contribute at all stages of the review.

On 24 April 2024, as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, Rare Voices Australia (RVA) attended one of a series of workshops, led by the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA), to address specific discussion questions around content for the revised Consumer Statement.

All stakeholders—both individuals and organisations—were invited to contribute written feedback to address these discussion questions via an online survey. RVA contributed written feedback to this consultation informed by the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases and learnings from RVA’s Research Partnerships program. This survey has now closed.

In brief, RVA’s written contribution to this consultation spoke to the ethical imperative of involving consumers and community in all types of research. We also made strong recommendations to include accountability, transparency, equity, diversity, respect, as well as recognition for the autonomy of roles in research partnerships as overarching values in the Consumer Statement. RVA’s submission mentioned the need to include the role of consumers and community in reporting to research funders and research institutions, and the importance of inviting consumers and community into the reporting process.

RVA’s full submission will be publicly available in time.

RVA looks forward to the outcome of this revision and anticipates more practical guidance that makes all stakeholders accountable for effective consumer and community involvement in health and medical research.

Department of Health and Aged Care Publishes Its ‘Newborn bloodspot screening expansion – Readiness assessment executive summary’


To better understand Australian newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) programs, the Department of Health and Aged Care commissioned a readiness assessment led by an external consultant. As published in the Newborn bloodspot screening expansion – Readiness assessment executive summary (the executive summary), “The aim of the readiness assessment was to understand how NBS programs operate nationally and the factors critical to achieving national consistency and expanding the number of conditions screened whilst maintaining quality and safety… The readiness assessment also sought to gain a detailed understanding of the process and/or implementation steps in each state or territory for adding new conditions.”

As the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, Rare Voices Australia (RVA) welcomes the release of the executive summary. Alongside other stakeholders in the rare disease sector, including many of our RVA Partner groups/organisations, RVA has been advocating for increased sustainability, equity, transparency and consistency of screening for NBS for several years. We have also acknowledged the complexity and need for careful consideration of NBS program expansion to ensure the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease.

In May 2024, RVA welcomed the Australian Government’s investment of $25 million to support the continued delivery of NBS expansion and consistency of conditions. As outlined in the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases, early diagnosis is critical in rare disease for better outcomes as it enables the best immediate treatment and care. For the first time in 60 years, Australia has an agreed national list of NBS conditions and there is specific funding to achieve consistency across the country, cementing Australia as a world leader in NBS.

RVA is pleased to see that the executive summary states that “NBS programs can achieve consistency in conditions screened within current resources.” It goes on to state:

“Readiness to expand NBS programs is inherently more complex than readiness to achieve consistency across each NBS program. The support required to achieve and maintain readiness for expansion varies between jurisdictions and also differs between condition types, acknowledging that some condition types (e.g. haemoglobin disorders) will be entirely new to the Australian screening landscape.”

The executive summary also highlights three domains requiring the most support to achieve expansion:

  • Laboratory capacity and capability
  • Clinical capacity
  • Data and information systems

Read the executive summary in full on the newborn bloodspot screening page on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.

RVA will continue working with all Australian governments to assist with NBS expansion as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease.

May 2024 Disability Advocacy Update

RVA News

As noted in Rare Voices Australia’s (RVA) March 2024 Disability Advocacy Update, a comprehensive disability reform agenda is underway across Commonwealth and State Governments. As the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, RVA continues to advocate for the best outcomes for the estimated two million Australians living with a rare disease, including those impacted by a disability.

May 2024 Disability Advocacy Summary

• Lodged a Submission with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce.

• RVA was advised by the Australian Government Department of Social Services that we were unsuccessful in our application for a grant as a Disability Representative Organisation (2024-2026). While this outcome was disappointing, RVA was pleased to see that for the first time, the government is funding a dedicated Disability Representative Organisation for people with intellectual disability and chromosomal variations. The consortium, led by Down Syndrome Australia, includes the following rare disease organisations and several RVA Partners:

  • Angelman Syndrome Association Australia
  • Australian X and Y Spectrum Support
  • Cri-du-Chat Support Group
  • Fragile X Association of Australia
  • Prader-Willi Syndrome Australia
  • Smith-Magenis Syndrome Australia
  • Turner Syndrome Association of Australia

Congratulations to those involved in the consortium, including RVA Partners, Angelman Syndrome Association Australia and Fragile X Association of Australia!

• Lodged a Submission with the Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry on the NDIS Amendment – (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024. Thank you again to the RVA Partners that participated in our Virtual Roundtable in April and contributed their knowledge and insights to RVA’s Submission.

• Attended the inaugural NDIS Neurological, Palliative Care and Rare Disease Working Group, which will meet bi-monthly to explore current issues and future policy reform.

• Attended an NDIS reform morning tea update in Brisbane with the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the NDIS.

• RVA has received an invitation from the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS (the Committee) Inquiry into the NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia to appear in person before the Committee in Canberra on 28 June 2024 based on the Submission RVA lodged in February 2024.

• Continued engaging in an ongoing monthly stakeholder engagement meeting with the NDIS Stakeholder Engagement Team. RVA is pleased to be receiving more invitations and opportunities to engage as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, including those impacted by a disability. We will continue working hard to formalise these arrangements to ensure RVA remains actively involved in all relevant areas of disability policy reform.

• Met with Minister Shorten’s office to discuss the importance of rare disease expertise informing co-design of the proposed reforms and to discuss steps for the collection, collation and analysis of NDIS rare disease participant data.

Rare Voices Australia Stakeholder Survey

RVA News

Rare Voices Australia (RVA) is preparing for our annual Strategy Review session in July where, as an organisation, we discuss our focus areas and priorities for the future. RVA is asking all stakeholders in the rare disease sector for their input ahead of our Strategy Review meeting. Your responses will be considered and assist in informing RVA’s priorities in 2024 and beyond. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Complete the survey via Survey Monkey.

Updated: 2024-2025 Federal Budget and Australians living with a rare disease

RVA News

Last night (Tuesday, 14 May), the Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP (Treasurer of Australia) handed down the Albanese Government’s 2024-2025 Federal Budget. Reviewing the Federal Budget to identify any relevant measures for the rare disease sector has taken some time – there is some good news but work is still needed in some areas.

Rare Voices Australia (RVA) welcomes the Australian Government’s investment of $25 million to support the continued delivery of newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) expansion and consistency of conditions. As outlined in the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan), early diagnosis is critical in rare disease for better outcomes as it enables the best immediate treatment and care.

RVA was also pleased to see the inclusion of $2.6 million in 2024–2025 to support patient care improvement and general practitioner services, health professional education, condition awareness and digital resources for childhood dementia, juvenile arthritis, stroke, rare diseases and epilepsy.

As the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, RVA lodged a Pre-Budget Submission that aligns with the priorities, actions and implementation steps outlined in the Action Plan to accelerate its collaborative implementation. This included funding for Centres of Expertise (CoE) through a competitive workforce grant to develop and accelerate models of expert rare disease care. CoE and a sustainable workforce are critical to addressing gaps in rare disease care and are also key to ensuring that the full benefits of the NBS can be experienced, addressing significant unmet needs and gaps across the rare disease community. We are disappointed that this priority for the rare disease sector did not receive funding.

RVA will continue working with all Australian governments to advocate for the best outcomes for the estimated two million Australians living with a rare disease starting with several political and departmental meetings in Canberra this week.

RVA also attended the Department of Health and Aged Care’s post-Budget webinar and Q&A today (Wednesday, 15 May) with the Hon Mark Butler MP, the Hon Anika Wells MP, the Hon Ged Kearney MP, the Hon Emma McBride MP and Senator the Hon Malarndirri McCarthy. The session was facilitated by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care, Blair Comley PSM.

April 2024 Disability Advocacy Update

RVA News

On Tuesday 16 April, Rare Voices Australia (RVA) convened a virtual roundtable to explore two important areas of proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):

  • Draft Legislation – National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment Bill 2024

On 27 March 2024, the Hon Bill Shorten MP tabled draft legislation, the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 (the Bill) to amend the NDIS Act 2013 to ensure sustainability and to reflect recommendations from the NDIS Independent Review. The Bill has been referred to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 20 June 2024. Submissions are due by 17 May 2024.

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce

The NDIS Review recommended a graduated mandatory registration (or enrolment) of all NDIS providers. The Federal Government has appointed the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce (the Taskforce) to provide advice on the design and implementation of the new risk-proportionate regulatory model.

RVA was delighted to have 15 RVA Partner groups/organisations (rare disease groups/organisations) join in on a productive and engaging session, focused on examining the systemic issues experienced by NDIS participants living with a rare disease, and proposing solutions to improve both outcomes and experiences.

The session was facilitated by RVA’s Disability Advocacy Manager, Fiona Lawton. A PDF copy of the roundtable presentation is available. Download the PDF.

RVA will provide a written submission to the Taskforce (due 7 May 2024) as well as a detailed response to the draft legislation to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee in early May 2024.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Neurodegenerative Disorders and Palliative Care Working Group

Following several years of advocating to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), RVA is pleased to be invited to join the newly created NDIS Neurodegenerative Disorders and Palliative Care Working Group (N&PWG). The NDIS states that it “… recognises the unique and often progressive needs of people with neurodegenerative or neuromuscular or rare conditions, including those requiring palliative care, and the complexity faced in navigating multiple services and systems.”

The N&PWG aims to provide strategic advice to the NDIS on a set of defined issues relating to neurodegenerative, neuromuscular, palliative care, and rare conditions, including:

  • Challenges with accessing the NDIS and timely decisions where functional impairment can progress rapidly
  • NDIA staff and partners in the community have insufficient knowledge regarding rare conditions and disorders
  • Synchronisation of planning where multiple family members are impacted with the same condition
  • The intersection of the NDIS with other mainstream and informal supports, including health

The N&PWG will meet bi-monthly with the first meeting being held virtually on 23 May 2024 to examine the Draft Terms of Reference.

RVA will be represented by Fiona Lawton. Fiona will continue to engage with RVA Partner groups/organisations and people living with a rare disease and their families to ensure the most appropriate representation at the N&PWG.

Rare Voices Australia Board Recruitment

RVA News

Rare Voices Australia (RVA) is the national peak body for the estimated two million Australians living with a rare disease. RVA provides a strong, unified voice to advocate for policy as well as health, disability and other systems that work for Australians living with a rare disease. The organisation’s person-centred focus sees RVA working with key stakeholders in the rare disease sector, including people living with a rare disease, governments, key peak bodies, researchers, clinicians and industry.

Rare Voices Australia’s Vision

RVA is dedicated to working with all key stakeholders to drive the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease.

Rare Voices Australia’s Mission

RVA provides collaborative leadership for the development and implementation of rare disease policy in Australia.


RVA is governed by an independent Board of Directors and a comprehensive Constitution. Several board members have a personal connection with a rare disease and members are based around Australia. All directors and the Chair are required by legislation to hold a director identification number (DIN) available through the Australian Business Registry Services.

RVA’s Board of Directors preside over an Annual General Meeting in the last quarter annually. In accordance with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and in compliance with a registered Company Limited by Guarantee (ABN 69 156 254 303), RVA’s financials are audited by a registered Company Auditor. Annual Reports are submitted and publicly disclosed with ASIC and the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC). RVA is a registered charity, endorsed with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.

Rare Voices Australia’s Work

RVA’s work is informed by the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan), which was launched by the Minister for Health in 2020 with bipartisan support. The Action Plan is the first nationally coordinated effort to address rare disease in Australia and includes three interrelated pillars:

  1. Awareness and Education
  2. Care and Support
  3. Research and Data

In 2018, the Australian Government commissioned RVA to lead the collaborative development of the Action Plan as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease. RVA is now leading the Action Plan’s collaborative implementation.

Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee

RVA’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee provides the organisation with medical and clinical perspectives, guidelines and information as needed.

Rare Voices Australia Is Seeking Applications for Non-Executive Board Directors

RVA’s Board of Directors is seeking to appoint up to three Directors. Alongside existing Directors, the appointees will contribute to RVA’s vision to advocate for the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease.

Please note: this is a voluntary position.


Applicants are required to provide a CV and brief response (no more than one page) to the criteria outlined in the Position Description. Please be sure to read the full Position Description before applying. Applications close at 5pm AEST on 10 June 2024.

Download the full Position Description (PDF)

Rare Voices Australia Disability Advocacy Update: March 2024

RVA News

A comprehensive disability reform agenda is underway across Commonwealth and State Governments, including transformation of disability policy, which is being led by the Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC).

This program of disability reform is guided by the commitments of the Australian Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (December 2021) and its supporting action plans, and has been instigated by the subsequent release of 222 recommendations in the Royal Commission into the Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission; 29 September 2023) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Independent Review final report (NDIS Review, December 2023).

Government Response

The Federal Government is not expected to formally respond to the Disability Royal Commission (the Commission) and the NDIS Review until mid-2024, however, engagement with the disability community has commenced regarding the Commission’s recommendations. Ongoing review and monitoring of the NDIS also continues through the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS.

Rare Voices Australia’s Disability Advocacy

In anticipation of this work and as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, Rare Voices Australia (RVA) submitted a grant to be recognised as a Disability Representative Organisation (DRO) in November 2023. Organisations funded under the DRO grant opportunity participate in a range of engagement activities with the Australian Government to ensure that a diversity of voices are represented in decision-making, legislation, policy development and implementation of programs and policies that may affect people with disability.

The outcome of the grant application is still pending, however, RVA continues to actively engage on disability policy reform to ensure the experiences of people living with a rare disease are appropriately reflected.

  • On 19 January 2024, RVA provided a Submission to the government’s engagement on the Disability Royal Commission highlighting the synergy and consistency between the goals and priorities of the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan) and the Disability Royal Commission’s recommendations, including its calls for collaborative policymaking, integrated care models, joint advocacy, enhanced data collection, and research initiatives.
  • On 25 January 2024, RVA’s Disability Advocacy Manager, Fiona Lawton, attended the NDIS Review Town Hall event in Brisbane led by the NDIS Review Panel co-chairs, Professor Bruce Bonyhady AM and Lisa Paul AO PSM. A copy of the NDIS Review Town Hall presentation is available via the Department of Social Services’ website. The Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the NDIS, spoke at length at the event.
  • In February 2024, RVA was pleased to provide a detailed submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS on the NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia – Parliament of Australia. You can read our Submission here. RVA thanks our RVA Partner groups/organisations that generously shared the experience of NDIS participants living with a rare disease in regional, rural and remote Australia, and everyone who lodged submissions.
  • On 29 February 2024 (Rare Disease Day), RVA submitted an expression of interest to join the Disability Data Development Scoping Panel for the National Disability Data Asset, the Federal Government’s program to de-identified data from Australian, state and territory government sources to better understand the life experiences of people with disability. This aligns with Pillar 3 (Research and Data) of the Action Plan to ensure policy is informed by the comprehensive, high-quality collection, and effective use of rare diseases data, including for undiagnosed rare diseases.

Foundational Supports

In December 2023, State and Federal Governments committed to jointly commission Foundational Supports to expand disability services and supports to all Australians living with a disability, not only those receiving NDIS individualised support packages.

The Federal Government followed this commitment with an announcement on 30 January 2024 of a $11.6 million investment over two years to develop and implement the Foundational Supports Strategy. This work will be led by the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, Minister for Social Services, in consultation with Minister Shorten.

Draft Legislation – National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment Bill

On 27 March 2024, Minister Shorten tabled draft legislation—NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024—to amend the NDIS Act 2013 to ensure a fairer, sustainable and more equitable NDIS with rule changes phased in as they are developed through co-design with the disability sector. Minister Shorten’s speech is available via the Ministers for the Department of Social Services’ website.

Incorporating the Voice of People Living with a Rare Disease

RVA understands that the current DROs have been actively engaged in consultation regarding the draft legislation and will be core to the development of the Foundational Supports Strategy.

RVA has written to Minister Rishworth and Minister Shorten highlighting RVA’s key role in systemic advocacy for people living with a rare disease and disability impacts, and to request recognition and active engagement with RVA as a key stakeholder in all aspects of disability policy and strategy work.

RVA is also reviewing the draft legislation and will provide a written response to Minister Shorten for consideration.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce

The NDIS Review recommended graduated mandatory registration (or enrolment) of all NDIS providers. The Federal Government has appointed the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce (the Taskforce) to provide advice on the design and implementation of the new risk-proportionate regulatory model. The Taskforce is seeking submissions until 28 April 2024.

Virtual Roundtable for Rare Voices Australia Partner Groups/Organisations

On Tuesday 16 April, RVA will be convening a virtual roundtable with interested RVA Partner groups/organisations to discuss what the proposed changes mean for the rare disease sector and will subsequently provide a Submission and request a meeting with the Taskforce. Please email your interest in attending the roundtable to [email protected] by Tuesday 9 April to receive the question pack and supporting documents ahead of the session.