Rare Voices Australia (RVA) is the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease. RVA provides a strong, unified voice to advocate for policy as well as health, disability and other systems that work for people living with a rare disease. Our person-centred focus sees us working with all key stakeholders, including people living with a rare disease, governments, key peak bodies, researchers, clinicians and industry. We advocate for the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease.
RARE Helpline
The RARE Helpline aims to provide timely access to information and answer key questions people living with a rare and complex disease often face.
Rare Awareness Rare Education (RARE) Portal
The RARE Portal contains current, reliable and straightforward information and resources for all rare disease stakeholders customised for the Australian context. The RARE Portal has been funded by the Australian Government and is a key deliverable of the National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases.
The National Recommendations for Rare Disease Health Care
The National Recommendations for Rare Disease Health Care (the Recommendations) were written to help health professionals provide quality care for people living with rare disease, including people with a diagnosed rare disease and those who have not yet received a diagnosis. The Recommendations are aligned with the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases.
In 2020, the Minister for Health launched the National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan).
RVA led the collaborative development of the Action Plan, which has three interrelated Pillars.



Partner with RVA
RVA partners with key stakeholders in a variety of ways. Whether you are leading a rare disease support organisation that is looking to become an RVA Partner, or are a researcher looking to partner with RVA on your latest project, we’re open to hearing from you.

RARE Portal and RARE Helpline
RVA is leading the collaborative development of the Rare Awareness Rare Education (RARE) Portal for rare diseases, a key deliverable of the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases. The RARE Portal includes information about the RARE Helpline, which aims to provide timely access to information and answer key questions people living with a rare and complex disease often face. Visit the RARE Helpline page for more information.
RVA Online Education Portal
RVA’s Online Education Portal complements the workshops, webinars and customised mentoring support provided to RVA Partner organisations. Available 24/7, the site contains several free and restricted courses.