Want to contribute towards Rare Voices Australia’s (RVA) vision to drive the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease? RVA is committed to providing collaborative leadership for the development and implementation of rare disease policy in Australia. You can make a difference to the estimated two million Australians living with a rare disease by organising a fundraiser and donating the proceeds to RVA. Getting started is easy and every little bit counts!
Step 1: Complete the form below
Tell us about your event, your ‘why?’ and set a fundraising goal.
Step 2: Wait to hear back from RVA
One of our team members will review the information provided and get back to you as soon as possible. Providing your fundraiser meets all necessary requirements, we will create a fundraising page for your event. If there are any outstanding requirements, we’ll work closely with you to address these issues.
Step 3: Spread the word!
Once your page is live, let your family and friends know so that they can support you in achieving your goal. RVA will also cross-promote your event wherever we can.