Rare Voices Australia (RVA) thanks everyone who attended our inaugural Queensland Parliamentary Event dedicated to people living with a rare disease.
This drop-in event provided RVA Partner group/organisation leaders with the chance to interact directly with parliamentarians who stopped by to meet RVA and others who represent people living with a rare disease.
As the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, the Parliamentary Event provided RVA with the opportunity to advocate for the following strategic aims:
Advocate for a stronger presence in Queensland’s Parliament
Work with parliamentarians to develop an implementation plan for progressing relevant aspects of the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases
Identify the relevant division within Queensland’s Department of Health responsible for progressing a strategic approach to rare diseases
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Orphanet is a globally renowned portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs. The portal aims to provide high-quality information about rare diseases, and ensure equal access to knowledge for all stakeholders.
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