The Department of Health and Aged Care has advised that the first round of public consultation for the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Policy and Methods Review (the HTA Review) is now open. Consultation 1 focuses on the objectives of the HTA Review set out in the Terms of Reference. Submissions are open until 6 June 2023.
More information about how to participate in Consultation 1 and making a submission is available via the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Consultation Hub. Information about the HTA Review is available via the HTA Review website, which has been updated to include:
- A consultation overview outlining the planned consultation activities for the HTA Review
- A Work Plan that includes the key work and milestones planned for the HTA Review
Rare Voices Australia (RVA) will be lodging a submission as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease.
RVA Education: Upcoming Webinar for RVA Partner Organisations
RVA is planning a webinar for RVA Partner organisations considering making a submission to the HTA Review. The webinar will cover:
- The purpose and scope of the HTA Review
- The relevance of the HTA Review to Australians living with a rare disease
- Key messages that are important for HTA review of rare disease therapies now and into the future
There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas. RVA will share more information, including the agenda and time/date for the webinar, as soon as possible.
Note: RVA Partner organisations can also reach out to RVA for customised mentorship support: [email protected]
Background Information
The Department of Health and Aged Care published the Terms of Reference for the HTA Review in March 2023. RVA was pleased to contribute to the TOR consultation as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease. In March, RVA published this article, which includes:
- RVA’s reflections on the TOR
- An explanation of health technology assessment (HTA)
- How those interested can participate in the HTA Review
- Resources to help stakeholders interested in preparing a submission
Why Is Health Technology Assessment Important in Rare Disease?
As noted in the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan), many different types of health technology are used in rare diseases, and many more are emerging. Equitable access to health technologies is an important issue for the rare disease community and is highlighted in the Action Plan:
Priority 2.4: Enable all Australians to have equitable access to the best available health technology.
Limited data is inherent in rare diseases. This creates uncertainties that present specific challenges for HTA processes.