Rare Voices Australia’s (RVA) Chief Executive Officer, Nicole Millis, was pleased to attend a Parliamentary Event in Western Australia (WA) on 19 October hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of People with Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases in WA (the Parliamentary Friends Group). Clin/Prof Gareth Baynam, who is a member of RVA’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC), spoke at the event. RVA’s Deputy Chair, Kane Blackman, Dr Kristen Nowak (SMAC) and RVA Ambassador, Andrew Bannister, also attended.
The Parliamentary Event marked the one-year anniversary of the official launch of WA’s Parliamentary Friends Group. The event gave clinical and support organisations within the rare disease community the opportunity to showcase who they are and what they do to Members of Parliament to increase awareness of rare diseases. Thank you to the Members of Parliament who attended, including the Premier, the Hon Mark McGowan BA LLB MLA.
RVA also thanks Co-Convenors of the Parliamentary Friends Group, the Hon Matthew Swinbourn MLC, the Hon Donna Faragher MLC and the Hon Stephen Pratt MLC, for their ongoing support of the rare disease community.

Image credit: Ammon Creative