Rare Voices Australia (RVA) congratulates the 17 researchers who, through the Genomics Health Futures Mission, will receive a share of $46.5 million for genomics research, which will support health clinicians to identify genetic disorders and diagnose rare diseases faster. Click here to read the Hon Greg Hunt’s media release.
In line with the National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases’ Research and Data Pillar, RVA supports the need for high quality collaborative research that is person-centred and positively impacts the lives of Australians living with a rare disease.
As part of RVA’s commitment to a person-centred approach to research, we welcome partnerships with rare disease researchers. RVA can provide both rare disease policy and consumer expertise. Our recent contributions to successful grant applications are testimony to this research co-design.
If you are a researcher with an interest in rare disease diagnostics (including genomics), health technologies, precision medicine, fundamental discovery, or care and support, please see RVA’s Research Partnerships Guidelines for more information.