Flexible School Attendance Requirements

RVA has reached out to all state education ministers and Chief Health Officers regarding the need for flexible school attendance requirements for the rare disease community. Here is a template of the letter that has been sent. We encourage you to use this letter in your ongoing individual advocacy. 

Responses received to date:    

Western Australia – Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer

Western Australia – Sue Ellery MLC, Minister for Education and Training 

South Australia – Ben Temperly, Executive Director, System Performance 

Tasmania – Jeremy Rockliff MP, Deputy Premier / Minister for Education and Training 

New South Wales – COVID-19 Ministerial team 

New South Wales – Hon Sarah Mitchell MLC, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning

Northern Territory – Emma Deane, Acting General Manager Quality School Systems and Support 

Queensland – Office of Hon Grace Grace MP, Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations

Queensland – CHO COVID-19 Correspondence team 

ACT – Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development

Victoria – the Hon James Merlino MP,  Deputy Premier, Minister for Education, Minister for the Coordination of Education

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