Ann Single is the Coordinator for the Patient Voice Initiative. She’s worked in patient involvement in health technology assessment (HTA) for more than 20 years, first directing it and in communication within Scotland’s HTA agency and then sharing and developing good practice in Health Technology Assessment international’s (HTAi) Patient and Citizen Involvement Interest Group (PCIG). Chair of this group from 2019-2023, Ann now is PCIG Outgoing Chair and HTAi Vice-President, the first from the patient community sector. Ann co-edited the only book on patient involvement in HTA (version two due June 2025), is a faculty member of the International Patient Advocacy Management Masters Course at Rome’s Catholic University (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) and has most recently published on patient involvement in HTA governance and process development. She served as a consumer representative on the Australian Government’s HTA Policy and Methods Review Reference Committee (due May 2024).