The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) has released the revised Australian Framework for National Clinical Quality Registries (2024). Read more background information and download the revised Australian Framework for National Clinical Quality Registries (2024) on the Commission’s website.
Australia’s national Clinical Quality Registries collect, analyse and report information about the care and outcomes being delivered by health service organisations. They serve as a key driver of ongoing improvements in the safety and quality of the care provided to Australian consumers, including Australians living with a rare disease.
As the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease, Rare Voices Australia (RVA) lodged a Submission and participated in the consultation process for the Framework for Australian clinical quality registries Second Edition – consultation version. RVA is in the process of making our way through the revised Australian Framework for National Clinical Quality Registries (2024) and will provide an update to highlight key points of relevance to Australians living with a rare disease shortly.