Thank you to everyone who joined Rare Voices Australia (RVA) for the 2024 National Rare Disease Summit on 15 and 16 November in Brisbane. The Summit brings together the rare disease sector – thank you all for making this year’s Summit a success (read a selection of the stakeholder feedback received)! We especially thank our diverse range of speakers who shared their expertise and perspectives so generously, particularly RVA Ambassador Ryan Brown who shared his personal story as part of the opening session. Special thanks to our other RVA Ambassadors who also joined us in person.

Additionally, RVA thanks Senator Wendy Askew, Co-Chair, Parliamentary Friends of Rare Diseases (the Parliamentary Friends) and Senator for Tasmania, who joined us in person at the Summit and spoke on behalf of the Parliamentary Friends. We also thank the Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, and Senator the Hon Anne Ruston, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care, who were unable to join us in person but provided recorded messages. Your ongoing support of RVA as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease and the rare disease sector is very much appreciated.
Opening Address: Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care
Opposition Address: Senator the Hon Anne Ruston, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care
What Attendees Said About the Summit
“Thank you for a wonderful day yesterday and congratulations on a fantastic event.” – RVA Partner (rare disease group/organisation representative)
“… two brilliant days at the National Rare Disease Summit in Brisbane, coordinated by the incredible Rare Voices Australia, with so many passionate contributions from the whole sector, patient groups, government, clinicians, researchers, industry. The meeting was a stark reminder that so much of the care and progress for people with rare diseases comes from ridiculously dedicated people who push no matter what, including fighting against inflexible and outdated systems.” – Clinician/Researcher
“Felt so honoured to be on a panel and it has already been so beneficial to us so thank you again so very much for the opportunity. Enjoy some downtime after what was a brilliant few days.” – RVA Partner (rare disease group/organisation representative)
“A short note to congratulate you and your team on hosting a wonderful conference in Brisbane. My first Rare Voices Australia conference, but not my last. I learned so much about rare diseases, the research and collaboration that’s going on and the patient and persistent advocacy” – Industry
Background Information and Brief Recap: 2024 National Rare Disease Summit
The Summit’s 2024 theme was Progress Beyond Policy. Implementation of the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan) requires ongoing collaboration and support from the entire rare disease sector to achieve its vision: The best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease. The Summit provided the rare disease sector with a fantastic opportunity to progress the collaborative implementation of the Action Plan, while maintaining a person-centred approach. The Summit was attended by people living with a rare disease; governments; key peak bodies; researchers; clinicians; industry; the RVA Board; RVA’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee; RVA Ambassadors; and RVA staff. Summit attendance was by invitation to ensure stakeholder balance.
The two-day program incorporated a mix of plenary sessions, panel discussions, workshops and networking opportunities. We welcomed back radio host; actor; comedian; and television producer, Julian Morrow, as our Master of Ceremonies.

RVA’s Chief Executive Officer, Nicole Millis, emphasised that as a member of the rare disease sector, every attendee is a rare disease advocate given advocacy’s central role in rare disease. Nicole emphasised the ongoing maturity of the sector, including its ability to understand policy and collaborate in achieving the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease. As part of her opening speech, Setting the Scene for the 2024 National Rare Disease Summit, Nicole highlighted the unprecedented number of Department of Health and Aged Care (DoH) and National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) representatives at the Summit and pointed to the need for a Rare Disease Office within the DoH, as recommended in The New Frontier: Inquiry into approval processes for new drugs and novel medical technologies in Australia report. Nicole also spoke about RVA’s other 2025 Federal Election asks, including Rare Disease Centres of Expertise; effective HTA Review implementation; investment into data collection and codesign for the NDIA; and the completion of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions refresh, which is the framework the Action Plan sits under.
As part of her closing remarks, Nicole reiterated that Action Plan implementation is well underway and emphasised the high-level engagement of governments. Nicole also drew attention to the energy, buzz, goodwill, connection, comraderie and connection in the room over the course of the two days. She ended with the importance of three words to summarise the Summit and rare disease advocacy more generally: partnership, trust and persistence.
Networking Event
As part of the 2024 Summit, RVA organised a networking evening, which provided guests with the opportunity to continue their discussions following day one of the Summit. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

RVA thanks our sponsors for their support of the Summit and their ongoing support of RVA and Australians living with a rare disease:
- Alexion
- Argenx
- Biogen
- BioMarin
- Chiesi
- CSL Behring
- Pfizer
- Takeda