National Medicines Policy Review Resumes


Rare Voices Australia (RVA) welcomes the resumption of the National Medicines Policy (NMP) Review. Finalisation of the NMP Review was extended until after the Federal Election in May 2022. The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, has reappointed Professor Michael Kidd AM as the sole reviewer to complete the Review and provide a final report to Government in late 2022.

Summary Stakeholder Consultation Report

The NMP Review’s Expert Advisory Committee (the Committee) has released a report that provides a summary of the consultation findings to date, including the Committee’s commentary on how stakeholder feedback informed the development of the draft 2022 NMP. RVA is currently reviewing the report and will consider any potential implications for Australians living with a rare disease. We welcome the Committee’s recommendation that the NMP aligns with other policies, strategies and agreements, including the National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan). RVA also welcomes the Committee’s acknowledgement of the importance of person-centredness (‘Person-centred’ is a foundation principle of the Action Plan).

Stakeholders invited to provide feedback on the revised National Medicines Policy draft

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback via a range of channels, including a consultation survey, which is open from 17 August 2022 until 27 September 2022 at 11:59pm. RVA will complete the survey as the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease. A public stakeholder forum will be scheduled in September 2022. Professor Kidd will also engage in several open targeted consultations with key stakeholder groups.

Learn more and download the revised NMP draft and supporting documents here.

How RVA has contributed to the National Medicines Policy Review to date

RVA has contributed to the NMP Review to date in several ways, including: