Rare Voices Australia (RVA) is progressing work on The Navigator Project, which was named the recipient of the Rare and Complex Disease Telehealth Nurse Program grant. Read the Australian Government’s media release. The Navigator Project will support the estimated two million Australians living with a rare disease to navigate the health system, including via the assistance of telehealth nurses. You can read more about The Navigator Project’s three core components via this article on RVA’s website.
Expressions of Interest Open
RVA is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from experienced consumer-led rare and complex disease organisations already providing disease-specific telehealth service navigation to implement the third component of The Navigator Project. Upon the completion of the EOI process, three organisations will be selected to work with RVA to provide specific services. Selection will be based on an open competitive process, and RVA will accept submissions until 5pm (AEST time), 29 September 2023.
Download the selection criteria and EOI details (PDF).
Download the template for the EOI Application Form (Word).
Funding amount: $20,000 (+GST) per grant year for three years, totalling a maximum amount of $60,000 (+GST)
Important: for organisations interested in lodging an EOI, please note that the funding provided for this component of The Navigator Project is not for service provision. Before lodging an EOI, please read the selection criteria carefully to ensure your organisation is a suitable candidate.
Purpose: Engagement with Three Consumer-Led Rare and Complex Disease Organisations
The purpose of this component of The Navigator Project is to establish the benefits of an existing patient navigation model and contribute to the project’s overall data collection and reporting. This will involve information sharing to support continuous improvement of telehealth nurse-led services for people/families living with a rare and complex disease, while also providing an evidence base for alternate patient navigation models for rare and complex diseases.
How the Successful Organisations Will Benefit from Participating
The three successful organisations will benefit from participation in The Navigator Project through representation on the Expert Advisory Group and as such, will support a community of best practice telehealth care and navigation. Additional benefits are outlined in the selection criteria and EOI details.
Lodging An Expression of Interest
Download the selection criteria and EOI details (PDF).
Download the template for the EOI Application Form (Word).
Submission time and date: 5pm (AEST), 29 September 2023
If you have any queries about the EOI process, please email [email protected] with the subject line, “EOI Query – The Navigator Project”.
Please direct all other queries regarding The Navigator Project to: [email protected].