Board Positions Available: Rare Voices Australia

RVA News

Rare Voices Australia (RVA) is seeking non-executive directors to join the RVA Board. Successful applicants will bring experience, skills and capabilities that contribute to the governance of RVA and enhance its advocacy for the best outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease.

RVA remains committed to board diversity and inclusion. Specific experience in fundraising or political/government engagement would be viewed favourably but is not essential. Applicants should complete and send an Expression of Interest form and their CV to Nicole Millis, RVA’s Chief Executive Officer: [email protected]. Board meetings are held via teleconference every two months and involve up to two hours of pre-reading. A duty statement for RVA Directors can be provided on request.

Our high calibre RVA Board oversees the organisation’s strategic purpose and direction and comprises dedicated and passionate volunteers, including those with lived experience. The board consists of those with a professional skill set relevant to the organisation including legal, financial, medical and scientific expertise. You can find more information about RVA’s governance framework and reporting here.

RVA is the national peak body for Australians living with a rare disease. Our person-centred focus sees us working with all key stakeholders including people living with a rare disease, governments, key peak bodies, researchers, clinicians and industry. You can read more about RVA’s purpose, including our Vision and Mission here.

The Australian Government commissioned RVA to lead the collaborative development of the National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan) in 2018. The Action Plan was launched in 2020 with bipartisan support after an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process. RVA is now leading the Action Plan’s collaborative implementation.

Please direct any queries you may have about these board positions to RVA’s CEO.

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